Friday, February 18, 2011

House Concept Sketch

Just a quick sketch I did for a house idea I have and want to model. I'll elaborate on it more in the future but I wanted to get the basics down first.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bear Lineart

Yep Yep! I made another lineart for fun! I've been working hard in UDK lately and haven't had much time to draw anything else. Well...there was that zombie I drew..but I'm not going there :P

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Red Panda Lineart

I was going through some old photos on my pc and came across one I took a couple years back at the Philly Zoo. I loved the Red Pandas there so much - they were definitely my favorite animal. I decided to draw one today and make lineart out of it in Illustrator.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Game Boards

I actually made these a month or so ago. They were going to be for a project for an iPhone/iPad game but that got put on hold for now (maybe indefinitely?) so I wanted to put them up since it's one of my first serious works in 3DS Max.

Well well well..what do we have here?

It's a well! Duh! :) Made this in 3DS Max last night with normal map as well. I didn't  want to add the specular map to this since it seemed fine by itself.

At first there was stretching going on with the texture at the seams and I couldn't find a solution online. So I played around for like 10 mins with the different options and fixed it myself. :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nothin' but a piece of Sidewalk!

Exactly that :) I am using this piece in UDK so I can build a nice level/scene to display my models in.

Texture is 100% my own. I always try to avoid using stuff I find..I found that the textures I take photos of myself are the most reliable and accurate.

Mailbox Render

I've been working on completing a few different objects to build a demo reel with! :) I am thinking the speed may be a little fast on this but you can still get the general picture. (You can also spam replay :P )

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yay for fire hydrant!

I was wanting to make one of these for a while now and finally did this morning. I used a normal map as well which is great because I'm getting practice in it. I don't know why I love making environments and assets so much!

Done in 3DS Max 2011 in 1 hr.-ish :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Final Concept for Zerm

Just finished painting him..whew. Not too bad but I can see areas where it needs work. Going to submit this to a sketchoholic contest too since it follows the theme of one ;)

Robot Sequence

Something I had to do for my animation class. It's pretty much just my original character copying an animation from another character in a cartoon. I chose to use Felix the cat as my sequence inspiration.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Zerm the germ

My WIP character :)

This is just a speed paint I did of him so that I am able to get a better idea of how I want him to look eventually.

Gun concept

I am extremely new at drawing/designing weapons. So far I've been drawing humans and animals/creatures pretty much. This is my attempt at making a modern gun model. I used a few images for ref's along with my imagination.

A wolf General

My idea of what the leader of a pack of wolves would be like with human characteristics. :P

Sketched this is my free time (bored time ;) ).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

YES! I made a normal map in 3ds Max!

Woohoo after much stress and head scratching I finally made some kind of normal map! Texture image is all mine as well - my sidewalk outside was a perfect subject for this. :)

Ohhh the bumpiness! Isn't it fantastic?! Haha. Sorry - just excited I figured it out finally.

Is it spring time yet?

I wish :( I would much rather see this little guy out my window rather than the snow and ice that is there currently. I really want to move to somewhere that is warm year-round. Sooo tired of snow!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just a 10 minute speed paint

Exactly what the title says. And I'm sooo tired hence the reason she looks to be sleeping. (Sort of?) I've had a long day with struggling with pixel art for an upcoming game and playing Rift beta a bit. I just want a nap now.

Character Attempt #1

So I'm working on this game with my other half - the art aspect of course - and it has come time to start making the 3d game character. I haven't taken a single class in 3d art yet in college. So far I've been learning about 2d art and animation. Needless to say I need to work on this a bit more and self teach a little better! Anyways, here is the character I came up with. It's supposed to be a werewolf (if you can't tell).

This was done in 3ds Max. I've been wanting to try Maya and the sort but as far as I can tell by research, it seems like 3ds Max is the best for game art.